Vladimir Tsiper is a violinist from Eagan, Minnesota and currently a ninth grader at the Breck School. He has been a student of Lucinda Marvin since the first grade and has also been studying with Yulia Ziskel of the New York Philharmonic for the last year and a half. Vladimir also studies composition with Sarah Miller. He is a member of the Spiritoso Quartet.
Vladimir has won many prizes and awards, including Thursday Musical, the Mary West Solo Competition, the Golden Valley Concerto Competition, and the MacPhail Concerto/Aria Competition. This year, Vladimir became a YPSCA competition finalist. Vladimir is also a four-time winner of the MMTA (Minnesota Music Teacher Association) Piano Contest — and took second prize at the MMTA Composition Contest this year.
Aside from music, Vladimir enjoys downhill skiing, climbing, and theater. He likes traveling, especially getting to visit the tallest buildings in the world.