Audition Information Updated

May 18, 2015Auditions, News

BSO musicians chat during a rehearsal break

BSO musicians chat during a rehearsal break

Are you a musician who is looking for a fantastic ensemble to play with in the Twin Cities metro area? Perhaps you are a recent college graduate looking for a place to keep up your chops, or a parent who has recently launched their child into the world. Maybe you have taken a year or two off from playing in an ensemble or you miss the experience of making great music under a fabulous conductor every week.

If this (or something else!) describes you, please take a look at the Bloomington Symphony’s newly updated Auditions page. There, you will find information on our new two-part audition process with a first-round video and a second-round live performance. You can also fill out a form to let us know about you and check out the Audition Materials page where you can find the excerpts.

If you have any questions about auditioning for the Bloomington Symphony or want to know more about what joining the BSO means, please contact our General Manager, Sara Kleinsasser Tan at