Nov 18, 2016 | Manny's Musings
Before each concert, we share “Manny’s Musings,” thoughts from our Music Director and Conductor, Manny Laureano. This is the final edition of the “Musings” for the “BSO & Beethoven” concert that will be performed on Sunday, November 20, 2016. Beethoven and His...
Nov 10, 2016 | Manny's Musings
Before each concert, we share “Manny’s Musings,” thoughts from our Music Director and Conductor, Manny Laureano. This is the first of the “Musings” for the “BSO & Beethoven” concert that will be performed on Sunday, November 20, 2016. Overture to William Tell...
Nov 8, 2016 | Musicians, Support, Video
Hear from the Bloomington Symphony’s Concertmaster Michael Sutton! Then, Give to the Max here!
Aug 25, 2016 | Brochure, Marketing, News, Season
Take a minute to view our 2016-17 season brochure! We are looking ahead to a great season and hope you will join us at one of the four outstanding concerts that Maestro Manny Laureano has planned for the Bloomington Symphony. Please share this page with your friends...
Mar 22, 2016 | Musicians, News, Support
The drinks! Manny chats with patrons BSO Board President Becky Jyrkas chats with fellow BSO musician Nancy Jacobson Manny welcomes the audience The invitation BSO Board Member Peter Chang and his wife have a laugh with Claudette Laureano Manny Laureano chats with BSO...